Thursday, April 8, 2010

Bob McDonald, CEO of Proctor & Gamble comes to the University of Utah

On February 24th, I had the unique opportunity and honor to act as a representative of the David Eccles School of business. I was asked to personally thank Bob McDonald, CEO of Proctor & Gamble, for sharing his time with us. Bob, as he insisted on being called, spoke to the business school about the purposes that drive the many Proctor & Gamble brands, a little history on how he reached his position, and some of the non-profit ventures the company has initiated.

He expressed passion in particular for the Children's Safe Drinking Water Program--a program that delivers water purification solvent to needy areas around the world. This program has saved countless lives and has had particular impact in helping the devastated community of Haiti. The school donated $250 to this program in his name, and it was my honor to present Bob this news. He was visibly moved, and very gracious, thanking us for donating to the cause.

It was truly an honor and pleasure to hear Bob McDonald speak at our school! I even got a picture with him!

Jacob Perry

MBA Candidate 2010

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