Friday, March 19, 2010

WorkNet visit with Richter7 Advertising Agency

As part of one of the WorkNet trips that I help organize, we were able to get one with Richter7. This was my fourth WorkNet visit. Each takes on its own personality. The visit with Richter7 was brief but interesting. It’s an exciting company in an exciting industry. I’d go back in a second.

Richter7 is a branding agency based out of Salt Lake who has done work for AMEX, NBC, Disney, and Micron. They were also hired to represent Park City during the Olympics.
Right off the bat, the atmosphere was amazing. The office is in a restored car dealership. Their aesthetic is based off the concept of “industrial elegance” which pervades every element of the office, from the artwork to the lighting to the conference table, which is a work of art in itself. I really enjoyed meeting the staff. It was interesting to observe the variety of specialists necessary to run a full service operation.

It’s one thing to hear about new forms of media buying and the exploitation of social media, but quite another to actually see people doing it. The presentation by Peggy Lander, Partner and Executive VP of Client Services was very interesting. She showed us many of the graphics and materials used in a variety of their ad campaigns which made it all the more fascinating. The visit was brief, but a solid 20 minute Q&A allowed us to delve a bit into the evolution of the industry.

WorkNet visits are an opportunity to interact with local professionals in a learning, non-networking environment. Talking with these individuals gives you an inside perspective into a company, an industry, and a job or career. The way I see it, we study a lot of companies as MBAs but get to interact with few in the real world. Even when we get a jobs, we learn basically about the company for which we work. WorkNet exposes us to different cultures and different industries. I would hate to think I would spend years with a company when I would be much happier somewhere else. I think WorkNet helps keep this from happening. It gives me an idea of the types of companies with which I would like to end up.

To learn more about Richter7 and job postings, go to

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