Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Join Board Fellows and make a difference.

Board Fellows is a collaborative program between the University of Utah-David Eccles School of Business, the Utah Nonprofits Association, and Net Impact, a student corporate social responsibility organization. The Program seeks to enhance and expand community partnerships and experiential learning. It is a student-run program promoting community involvement and leadership by placing masters’ level students as volunteer fellows on local nonprofit boards of directors. The Board Fellows program lasts the nine months of the academic school year (September - May).

Currently, I am the president of the David Eccles School of Business chapter of Board Fellows. As president, it is my responsibility to vet appropriate students and boards for the program, match students with nonprofits, maintain rapport with participating nonprofits, and to organize the spring Boardsmanship Panel.

Today, more and more companies are committed to CSR as part of their mission and values. As an MBA student, being part of Board Fellows demonstrates commitment to both corporate and social responsibility. It is a unique way to differentiate yourself to your prospective employers.

Samantha Austin Stigner
MBA Candidate 2010

***If you are interested in learning more about Board Fellow, email and we'll make sure to pass your message to the organization.

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