Thursday, June 10, 2010

Independent Study at the Technology Commercialization Office

Interested in start-ups? The Technology Commercialization Office (TCO) takes academic research or ideas from different avenues and provides resources for the company to take off. Similar to a venture capital firm, some of the companies take off making millions of dollars, while other companies never see a dollar in revenue.

This is the first year that an independent study like this has been done at the TCO thanks to Taylor Bench. Taylor currently interns at the TCO and asked a few of us who are interested in entrepreneurship if we would like a course like this and the answer was yes!

It’s not every day that you are presented with an opportunity like this. The experience you gain working with start-up companies at the TCO is extremely valuable. Most students don’t get a chance to work so closely with a start-up company.

Our advisor was Jack Brittain, kindly volunteered to be our advisor for our independent study and it was a pleasure to work with him throughout the semester. Luke Behrmann was the main person who we worked from the TCO. He was great and really wants to make sure that you are getting the most out of the class.

They will be selecting students for the class later on this summer. If you are interested, keep your ears open!

To find out more information go to

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