Friday, May 7, 2010

2010 Utah Real Estate Challenge

Are you interested in real estate? If that’s your cup of tea, I would recommend that you enter the challenge. Each year, there are various projects that are submitted from low income housing to assisted living centers.

Our team, Phantom Developers was fortunate enough to win the challenge this year. Our team comprised of 4 MBA students. We were extremely grateful to have Chris Zarek, a joint MBA/Architecture student as part of the team.

We could not have done it without Chris’s knowledge and experience in the architecture area. Zarek is one of the most talented people I have ever met. Not only is he a great architect, but he has a great business mind as well. Keep an eye on him in the future. Zarek is one of those people that you could easily see as a panelist at some conference. Zarek proposed two projects and both made it in the final rounds!

The experience we have all had through entering this challenge is unforgettable. We worked so well together and learned how to put a business plan geared towards the real estate market. If you are interested, get a team together and get started.

Remember to treat the project like it was actually going to get built. Learn more at

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