Friday, February 19, 2010

The University of Utah surpasses MIT in the number of spin-off companies!

The University of Utah has always been well known for their research ability. The University of Utah’s Technology Commercialization Office (TCO) helps researchers take their ideas to another level and make it a business. In previous years, the University of Utah has been ranked #2 next to MIT. This year, the University of Utah has been ranked #1.

The TCO plays a vital role in a start-up company. The TCO provides resources and support for start-up companies. The TCO coaches them from the beginning stages to the point where they are ready to either be sold off to a larger company or fully stand-alone as a business. The TCO has generated nearly $26.2 million of revenue from licensing technology. The TCO help developers patent their products, develop business plans, and find funding through venture capital firms like vSpring, VentureBlue, or government grants if applicable.

Here’s the complete story from the Salt Lake Tribune:

***If you have any interest in the entrepreneurial side, the TCO has an internship program. This allows you to help out through the process of a start-up company and the knowledge, connections, and experience you gain through this particular internship will set you apart from your peers. This is a paid internship.

To learn more or apply, go to

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